
When Wise Words Are Not Enough

March 19, 2009

In two books that offer erudite assessments of the dangers facing humankind this century, Vaclav Smil and Chris Patten address these matters in sharply different ways.

Review of Vaclav Smil, Global Catastrophes and Trends and Chris Patten, What Next?

March 19, 2009

These are bewildering times. One moment the global economy is booming and stock markets are soaring; the next, trillions of dollars of wealth have vanished, and we are on the cusp of a global depression. Oil prices rocket upwards as leading oilmen talk of worldwide shortages, then they plummet amid a worldwide glut.

Straw Man in the Wind

January 2, 2009

An exchange with David Victor in The National Interest on the links between resource and environmental stress and violent conflict.

The Stag Hunt: Deflation as a Collective Action Problem

November 26, 2008

In the worst case, deflation becomes its own cause. People become afraid their incomes might fall in the future. Or they see their savings being ravaged by the stock market collapse. So they stop spending and instead hoard their money. As demand for goods and services drops, companies’ profits plummet, leading to layoffs, reduced working hours, and yet more declines in stock prices. The fear of lost income becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and people cut their spending further. Once the downward spiral starts, it’s maddeningly hard to stop. People expect prices will keep falling, so they decide to put off their spending, because they think things will be cheaper in the future.

Climate Change, The Arctic and Canada: Avoiding Yesterday’s Analysis of Tomorrow’s Crisis

October 30, 2008

Paper Prepared for the 20th Anniversary Conference of the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, Ottawa, Ontario

Unbounded Uncertainty #2

September 26, 2008

Most of us want to believe that our institutions are rational, durable and fair, directed by experts who have a grip on bedrock reality and understand how things work, who will take care of severe problems when they arise. The possibility that no one knows enough to protect us is terrifying, almost unthinkable.Now, as we’ve watched the deal-making in Washington, we’ve looked into the abyss of the unthinkable.

Blocking the Sky to Save the Earth

September 12, 2008
Thomas Homer-Dixon and David Keith

To the relief of climate scientists around the world, it appears that the polar ice cap hasn’t shrunk as much this summer as it did last summer.

Everything is not Peachy

August 18, 2008
Thomas Homer-Dixon and Sarah Wolfe

with Sarah Wolfe | Self-sufficiency isn’t a sexy idea. At best, people who say they’re interested in being self-sufficient are stereotyped as dour, old-fashioned rural-types. At worst, they’re seen as fanatical survivalists planning for an apocalypse. Economists also tell us that self-sufficiency is an anachronism. Instead, it’s specialization that produces wealth, and economies – including the world economy – produce the most wealth when everyone, including countries, specializes in what they do best and then trades their products for the other things they need. The more specialization, the more connectivity among specialists, and the more trade along those connections, the better.
But there are problems with this model.

We Must Green the Market

August 6, 2008
Thomas Homer-Dixon and Stewart Elgie

When it comes to conserving Earth’s natural environment, our markets are badly broken. For our planet’s future – and for our future prosperity – we must fix them.

Review of Helge Brunborg, Eq Tabeau and Henrik Urdal (Eds.), The Demography of Armed Conflict

June 1, 2008

Can rapid population growth help cause civil violence, such as insurgency or revolution? How does war affect the population structure of societies? Is the science of demography a useful forensic tool in determining mortality arising from war crimes? This edited volume addresses such questions.

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