Interview with Tom Rand


Interview with Tom Rand (32:34)

One of the most interesting conversations I’ve had is this fireside chat with Tad Homer-Dixon’s on his new book – Commanding Hope. His work – from Ingenuity Gap through Upside of Down – has always been prescient in identifying emerging systemic risks. His new book is more urgent than ever: a call to retake collective mindshare as we continue grapple with systemic risks that get more unmanageable by the day. Prescriptive as much as descriptive, hear Tad’s view on how hope might be realistic, pragmatic and effective. No panacea, this book remains brutally honest, but provides tool which we might fight the emerging Trumpian/distopian worldviews of all-against-all with one that places us at the center of a new kind of spiritualism, one predicated on effectively fighting to maintain the stable ecosystem in which our civilization evolved. An important chat, indeed!” – Tom Rand

Interview with Tom Rand


MaRS Impact Week, December 14, 2020


Climate Change