Detecting and Coping with Disruptive Shocks in Arctic Marine Systems: A Resilience Approach to Place and People

2017-09-11T00:22:46-04:00January 22nd, 2012|Academic, Ecology and Sustainability, Environment and Energy, Featured (Academic)|

Eddy Carmack, Thomas Homer-Dixon, et al. | It seems inevitable that the ongoing and rapid changes in the physical environment of the marine Arctic will push components of the region’s existing social-ecological systems—small and large—beyond tipping points and into new regimes.

Tipping Toward Sustainability: Emerging Pathways of Transformation

2017-09-11T00:26:11-04:00October 6th, 2011|Academic, Ecology and Sustainability, Environment and Energy|

Frances Westley, Thomas Homer-Dixon, et al. | This article explores the links between agency, institutions, and innovation in navigating shifts and largescale transformations toward global sustainability. Our central question is whether social and technical innovations can reverse the trends that are challenging critical thresholds and creating tipping points in the earth system, and if not, what conditions are necessary to escape the current lock-in.

Resource Scarcity and Innovation: Can Poor Countries Attain Endogenous Growth?

2017-10-11T19:13:53-04:00March 1st, 1999|Academic, Conflict, Environment and Energy, Environmental Scarcity and Violent Conflict, EPS Thematic Reports, Ingenuity and Innovation, Ingenuity Gap, Innovation, New Economics|

Edward Barbier and Thomas Homer-Dixon | Endogenous growth models have revived the debate over the role of technological innovation in economic growth and development. The consensus view is that institutional and policy failures prevent poor countries from generating or using new technological ideas to reap greater economic opportunities. However, this view omits the important contribution of natural-resource degradation and depletion to institutional instability

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