Environmental Scarcity and Violent Conflict: The Case of Rwanda

2017-10-31T14:32:05-04:00September 1st, 1996|Academic, Case Studies, Conflict, Conflict and Conflict Resolution, Environment and Energy, Environmental Scarcity and Violent Conflict, EPS Case Studies|

Valerie Percival and Thomas Homer-Dixon | On April 6, 1994, President Juvenal Habyarimana’s plane exploded in the skies above the Kigali region of Rwanda. Violence gripped the country. Between April and August of 1994, as many as 1 million people were killed and more than 2 million people became refugees.

Strategies for Studying Causation in Complex Ecological-Political Systems

2017-10-31T13:50:31-04:00March 21st, 1996|Academic, Complexity, Complexity Science, Conflict, Environment and Energy, Environmental Scarcity and Violent Conflict|

This paper shows that some commonly advocated methodological principles of modern political science are inappropriate for the study of complex ecological-political systems. It also provides conceptual tools for thinking about the causal roles of environmental and demographic factors, and it discusses various strategies for hypothesis and inference testing.

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