
Conflict in a Nonlinear World: Complex Adaptation at the Intersection of Energy, Climate, and Security

“More and more often, solutions to complex human conflict require complex solutions—solutions involving diverse organizations such as police forces, first responders, other government departments, non-government organizations (NGO/charities) and militaries. As a result, the politics of these operations can be Byzantine, the logistics overwhelming, and the moral and ethical considerations dizzying in their implications.”

Blink. Snap. Buzz.

Malcolm Gladwell has a good eye for a great story. And in Blink he tells one great story after another to illustrate the power of snap judgments—those virtually instantaneous and occasionally life-changing decisions guided by intuition, instinct, or “gut” feeling that we all make in life, love, and war.

Exchange on Violent Environments

ECSP invited Homer-Dixon, Peluso, and Watts to engage in a dialogue about how Violent Environments characterized Homer-Dixon’s work as well as the future of environmental security research.

We Ignore Scientific Literacy at Our Peril

About two-thirds of the way through AI, Steven Spielberg’s latest film, my mind began to wander. I remembered standing at a podium in a vast hotel ballroom in Washington D.C. several months before.

What to Do with a “Soft” Degree in a Hard Job Market

Every year the students in Peace and Conflict Studies at the University of Toronto organize a “career night” for the 60-odd undergraduates in the program. The evening aims to answer the question: What can one “do” with a B.A. in this field?