Conflict and Conflict Resolution2022-05-06T13:13:52-04:00


conflict & conflict resolution

Environmental Scarcity and Violent Conflict: The Case of Rwanda

September 1st, 1996|Tags: , |

Valerie Percival and Thomas Homer-Dixon | On April 6, 1994, President Juvenal Habyarimana’s plane exploded in the skies above the Kigali region of Rwanda. Violence gripped the country. Between April and August of 1994, as many as 1 million people were killed and more than 2 million people became refugees.

Environmental Scarcity and Violent Conflict: The Case of Gaza

June 2nd, 1995|Tags: |

Kimberley Kelly and Thomas Homer-Dixon | The achievement of limited autonomy for Palestinians in Gaza and Jericho in 1993 engendered hope for peace in the Middle East, yet violence persists. The links between environmental scarcity and conflict are complex, but in Gaza, water scarcity has clearly aggravated socioeconomic conditions.

On the Threshold: Environmental Changes as Causes of Acute Conflict

October 1st, 1991|Tags: |

A number of scholars have recently asserted that large-scale human-induced environmental pressures may seriously affect national and international security. Unfortunately, the environment-security theme encompasses an almost unmanageable array of sub-issues, especially if we define “security” broadly to include human physical, social, and economic well-being.

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