

Complexity Science

January 28th, 2011|Tags: |

Complexity science isn’t a fad. I will offer a brief survey of some core concepts and ideas, and I will make a strong case that . . . they can help us develop new strategies for generating solutions and prospering in this world.

Complexity Science and Public Policy

May 5th, 2010|Tags: |

We need to start thinking about the world in a new way, because in some fundamental and essential respects our world has changed its character. We need to shift from seeing the world as composed largely of simple machines to seeing it as composed mainly of complex systems.

The End of Pop-economics

September 2nd, 1998|Tags: |

with Robin Bienenstock | The current crisis in international markets highlights inadequacies in the way economists and other analysts think about the global economy.

Strategies for Studying Causation in Complex Ecological-Political Systems

March 21st, 1996|Tags: |

This paper shows that some commonly advocated methodological principles of modern political science are inappropriate for the study of complex ecological-political systems. It also provides conceptual tools for thinking about the causal roles of environmental and demographic factors, and it discusses various strategies for hypothesis and inference testing.

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