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Suggested Reading

BOOKS the ingenuity gap The following is a short, idiosyncratic list of the books and articles that I found particularly valuable when writing The Ingenuity Gap. All of them are mentioned in the book's endnotes, but since there are several thousand citations there, readers may benefit from a more select list. I've provided [...]

2017-07-28T21:00:46-04:00July 28th, 2017|

Section 4 (Indonesia)

ACADEMIC project on environmental scarcities, state capacity, & civil violence The Case Study of Indonesia - Section 4 by Charles Victor Barber World Resources Institute Cambridge: American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the University of Toronto, 1997 IV. FOREST RESOURCE SCARCITY AND THE GROWING POTENTIAL FOR SOCIAL [...]

2017-07-28T20:06:49-04:00April 18th, 2017|


conversations CONVERSATIONS Below you’ll find transcripts of some interesting interviews and conversations I’ve had over the last few years. You’ll also find some replies to critics of my research. Criticism and Response Articles about Thomas Homer-Dixon Interviews [...]

2017-11-25T14:46:09-05:00August 23rd, 2016|
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