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Climate Change

GENERAL climate change GENERAL Alberta Beliefs and Ideology China Climate Change Complexity Conflict Economics Education Energy Environmental Stress and Conflict Ingenuity Gap Leadership, Politics and Democracy Population Psychology Science Policy Societal Collapse System Resilience Terrorism Trump See All [...]

2018-05-22T15:41:07-04:00October 29th, 2016|


teaching TEACHING I enjoy teaching and consider it a vitally important part of my professional activities. Since the 1980s, I have taught university courses—both undergraduate and graduate—on environmental security, energy and society, causes of violent conflict, international relations theory, global security governance, negotiation theory and practice, social innovation, research methods, philosophy [...]

2022-05-06T14:58:27-04:00August 23rd, 2016|

The Ingenuity Gap

BOOKS the ingenuity gap the ingenuity gap "The most persuasive forecast of the 21st century I have seen." -- E.O. Wilson, author of Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge and twice winner of a Pulitzer prize “Human beings have been smart enough to turn nature to their ends, generate vast wealth for [...]

2020-08-18T19:12:34-04:00April 26th, 2017|

Out of the Energy Box

with S. Julio Friedmann | The prognosis for the future of climate change is indeed alarming. Scientists say plausible scenarios include terrible droughts, crop failures, and dying forests around the Mediterranean and in the United States, South America, India, China, and Africa. Sea levels are expected to rise significantly, drowning islands and possibly displacing hundreds of millions of people from coastlines, where more than a third of the world’s population lives. Ground water supplies are set to shrink, reservoirs to dry up. Wildfires and violent storms will strike more often and much harder. And much of this change is expected within the next 50 years.

2017-08-25T09:57:07-04:00November 1st, 2004|Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Energy, General Topics|


ACADEMIC project on environmental scarcities, state capacity, & civil violence An Assessment of the Economic Losses Resulting from Desertification by Ning Datong Desertification In ChinaFor the purpose of this study, desertification is defined as land deterioration in arid, semi-arid and semi-humid regions, largely as a result [...]

2017-07-28T19:23:43-04:00July 28th, 2017|
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