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An Open Letter to the Premier of Alberta

From Alberta’s point of view, the tar sands projects are, quite understandably, non-negotiable. But they immensely complicate our efforts to reduce Canada’s carbon dioxide emissions. There’s a way we can get out of this box, though: Alberta can become a world leader in two new technologies that are going to revolutionize humanity’s future energy production and consumption – underground carbon sequestration and hydrogen energy.

2017-11-08T18:43:47-05:00October 31st, 2002|Energy, Environment and Energy, General Topics|

Unleash Capitalism’s Creativity on Climate Change

If we unleash Canada’s capitalist creativity, we could be an international leader in a suite of technologies urgently needed in a warming world that will depend on fossil fuels for many decades. These include technologies for the clean combustion of coal, for storing carbon dioxide underground, and for using hydrogen as a transportation fuel. We could make staggering amounts of money selling these technologies around the world.

2017-10-11T19:09:39-04:00October 21st, 2006|Climate Change, Environment and Energy, General Topics|

Rangeland Degradation

ACADEMIC project on environmental scarcities, state capacity, & civil violence An Assessment of the Economic Losses Resulting from Rangeland Degradation in China by Ning Datong Rangelands in China Geographical Distribution of Rangelands in China The distribution of rangelands in China is influenced by factors such as [...]

2017-07-28T19:21:43-04:00July 28th, 2017|
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