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A Swiftly Melting Planet

The Arctic ice cap melted this summer at a shocking pace, disappearing at a far higher rate than predicted by even the most pessimistic experts in global warming. But we shouldn’t be shocked, because scientists have long known that major features of earth’s interlinked climate system of air and water can change abruptly.

2017-10-11T19:09:22-04:00October 4th, 2007|Climate Change, Environment and Energy, General Topics|

Research Results

ACADEMIC project on environment, population & security RESEARCH RESULTS The Project produced two types of publications: thematic reports and case studies. Together, these papers make up an integrated package of materials. Thematic reports provide readers with an overarching understanding of general issues relating to [...]

2017-07-25T18:44:37-04:00April 18th, 2017|

The Economic Cost of Environmental Degradation in China

ACADEMIC project on environmental scarcities, state capacity, & civil violence The Economic Cost of Environmental Degradation in China According to studies produced by Professors Wang Hongchang and Ning Datong, and by Mr. Xia Guang, the annual economic cost of environmental degradation in China can be illustrated [...]

2017-07-28T19:17:32-04:00July 25th, 2017|

Our Fukushima Moment

A quarter of a century after we first heard it, the word “Chernobyl” stands in our minds for technological calamity borne of incompetence. Environmentalists used the label to deliver a near-fatal blow to the nuclear power industry. What will Fukushima mean to us in 2036, and how will we have used the label to change our world?

2017-05-31T18:20:50-04:00March 18th, 2011|Energy, Environment and Energy|
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