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We Need a Forest of Tongues

Recently, the writer Ken Wiwa argued in this space that we shouldn’t worry too much about the loss of the world’s linguistic diversity. A recent study by the Worldwatch Institute, he reported, reported that half the world’s languages may soon disappear; especially vulnerable are those indigenous tongues spoken by only a few thousand people. This prospect has raised widespread alarm, because it’s generally thought that language and culture are closely related. So, when we lose a language, it’s assumed, we lose the associated culture.

Now Comes the Real Danger

Some events shatter the order of things — the routines and regularities of our lives that we rely upon for our sense of safety and our sense, most importantly, of who we are and where we are going. Some events change our perceptions forever. The world never looks the same again afterward. Suddenly, the reliable landmarks of life seem strange and distorted — recognizable, yet simultaneously weirdly unrecognizable.

2017-08-25T09:42:00-04:00September 12th, 2001|Conflict, General Topics, Terrorism|

Ingenuity Gap

ingenuity gap Learn more about Thomas Homer-Dixon's book, The Ingenuity Gap See All Writing

2017-09-11T18:47:51-04:00September 11th, 2017|


GENERAL economics GENERAL Alberta Beliefs and Ideology China Climate Change Complexity Conflict Economics Education Energy Environmental Stress and Conflict Ingenuity Gap Leadership, Politics and Democracy Population Psychology Science Policy Societal Collapse System Resilience Terrorism Trump See All General Articles [...]

2018-05-22T15:42:56-04:00January 19th, 2017|

The Ingenuity Gap

GENERAL ingenuity gap Learn more about Thomas Homer-Dixon's book, The Ingenuity Gap GENERAL Alberta Beliefs and Ideology China Climate Change Complexity Conflict Economics Education Energy Environmental Stress and Conflict Ingenuity Gap Leadership, Politics and Democracy Population Psychology Science [...]

2018-05-22T15:45:13-04:00August 23rd, 2016|
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