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Environmental Scarcities and Violent Conflict: Evidence from Cases

Within the next fifty years, the planet’s human population will probably pass nine billion, and global economic output may quintuple. Largely as a result, scarcities of renewable resources will increase sharply. The total area of high-quality agricultural land will drop, as will the extent of forests and the number of species they sustain.

Unbounded Uncertainty #2

Most of us want to believe that our institutions are rational, durable and fair, directed by experts who have a grip on bedrock reality and understand how things work, who will take care of severe problems when they arise. The possibility that no one knows enough to protect us is terrifying, almost unthinkable.Now, as we've watched the deal-making in Washington, we've looked into the abyss of the unthinkable.

2017-05-31T20:24:26-04:00September 26th, 2008|Economics (General), New Economics|


ACADEMIC project on environmental scarcities, state capacity, & civil violence The Case Study of Indonesia by Charles Victor Barber World Resources Institute   Summary Indonesia is the world's fourth most populous nation, and the planet's largest archipelago. Blessed with abundant natural resources and one of the earth's greatest [...]

2017-07-28T19:43:06-04:00April 18th, 2017|


research RESEARCH Current Research I study threats to global security in the 21st century, including economic instability, climate change, and energy scarcity. I’m particularly interested in the deep causes of social conflict, especially economic inequality, antagonistic group identities, polarized ideologies, and scarcities of natural resources. I aim to improve our [...]

2022-05-06T14:13:52-04:00August 23rd, 2016|


Contact Information on my availability for speaking and my fees can be obtained from Speakers’ Spotlight at for engagements in Canada and from Lyceum Agency at for engagements in the United States. To learn more, send me a message through the following form: Academic Office Room 220 Sherman Jen [...]

2022-05-06T14:42:19-04:00August 23rd, 2016|

A Midas Touch Dims

There’s a whiff of desperation in the air. By this point in the world’s business cycle, the American economy that powerhouse of global capitalism – was supposed to be rebounding sharply, and stock markets everywhere were again going to be making everyone rich. Instead, things have gone haywire: the US may be tipping into another recession; four years of growth has evaporated from North American markets; and economies around the world are in trouble.

2017-05-31T20:26:41-04:00August 10th, 2002|Economics (General), General Topics, New Economics|

With Cracks and Holes in the Greenland Ice Sheet, We May Well Have to “Geo-Engineer” the Climate

A few years ago, these scientists regarded global warming as a matter of serious concern; now many appear to think that it's a matter of grave urgency - that we may be running out of time. The recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports are increasingly viewed as out of date.

2017-10-11T19:09:16-04:00December 1st, 2007|Climate Change, Environment and Energy, General Topics|

Graphical Argument Analysis: A New Approach to Understanding Arguments Applied to a Debate about the Window of Vulnerability

with Roger S. Karapin | Arguments and debates about politics are activities central to a democracy. Understanding arguments according to common frames of reference is not a straightforward task but demands much critical intelligence and skill.

Project Description

ACADEMIC project on environment, population & security PROJECT DESCRIPTION Background Professor Thomas Homer-Dixon, the Director of the Peace and Conflict Studies Program of the University of Toronto, was the Director of the Project on Environment, Population and Security. He was also the principal [...]

2017-07-25T18:43:30-04:00April 18th, 2017|
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