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B.C.’s green shift is a window to the world

In May's provincial election, the Green Party won its first multiple-seat breakthrough in North America, and by a fluke of electoral arithmetic, it now holds the balance of power in the legislature. Today, B.C.'s citizens are exploring uncharted political territory of potentially huge significance to people outside the province.

Project Participants

ACADEMIC project on environmental scarcities, state capacity, & civil violence PROJECT PARTICIPANTS Project Directors Thomas Homer-Dixon - Principal Investigator Jeffrey Boutwell - Associate Executive Officer, American Academy of Arts and Sciences Project Case Study Authors China Elizabeth Economy is a Fellow for China at [...]

2017-07-28T19:12:25-04:00April 18th, 2017|


GENERAL education GENERAL Alberta Beliefs and Ideology China Climate Change Complexity Conflict Economics Education Energy Environmental Stress and Conflict Ingenuity Gap Leadership, Politics and Democracy Population Psychology Science Policy Societal Collapse System Resilience Terrorism Trump See All General [...]

2018-05-22T15:43:38-04:00January 20th, 2017|
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